Our Mission and Vision

In 2016, we laid out our goals for the future in FFT Air Strategy 2020, including our vision and mission for our company. Our vision emphasizes that we have to stay the fast growing heavy airlift company in the Russian Federation. This goes beyond the fact that, as a An-124 Second largest operator after our colleagues from glorious Volga-Dnepr, we deliver oversize air freights in over 145 countries and territories, or that we are often the very first company to enter new markets. It also extends beyond our unique ability to provide a short notice response being a key element in complicated chains of logistics solutions, encompassing different forms from long term theatre regular deliveries in support of Major world Powers, to sophisticated machinery single moves, to urgent relief flights to troubled areas. Our vision stresses that we want to be internationally steady trusted operator capable to provide support regardless of its scale and destination; 7 An -124 Operator people turn to – their first choice not only for all their shipping needs, but also as an investors to long term partnership.
To achieve the goals we stay FOCUSED on: Quality parameters of the fleet and personnel should keep the pace with the rapidly changing geopolitical environment; The certification proses is to meet any challenge in the growing number of the missions and scale of operations. Air safety comes first from front deck to specific services and stays as a paramount focus for the company.

DEVELOPMENT needs to see the goal, strategic directions and right choice of tools. To avoid developing into nowhere TTF Air vision is further underlined in our wide analytical approach to the aviation market: Learn. Follow. Predict. This means that we want to make our customers and investors stay ensured and successful; convinced that we together shall be able to make a positive contribution to the world in any geopolitical and economic situation. We always demonstrate respect when achieving our results. TTF Air Strategy 2020 integrates our beliefs as laid out in the past, such as always striving to immensely invest in fleet modernization, personnel training, general company infrastructure improvement and environmental programs , and it reiterates our commitment to the world as a responsible company.
We have announced our new Strategy 2020 which outlines our priorities for the coming years, and emphasizes our goal to be the company that considerably defines the heavy airlift industry. Among the focus areas of Strategy 2020 we intend to further expand our services as an operator in the world's emerging markets. We also plan to take advantage of the company comparatively young fleet to develop new optimistic long term projects with our traditional and potential clients. Equally the company see it’s operator potential in governmental plans for Cargo Aviation Perspective Air Platform (CA PAP).